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Circle of OM

Circle of OM™ sessions have been offered once a week on Zoom since March. This is a practice that holds space for the participants as they engage in a sharing circle that is followed by an asana practice. The yoga flow focuses on grounding, centering mindful movement and breath work that resets the parasympathetic nervous system. The Circle share instills hope, creates a sense of universality, and offers an opportunity for giving and receiving support.


Suryyama Yoga

SuryyamaYoga™ offers a healing approach to yoga and mindfulness that is accessible to all levels. Your sense of self, physical flexibility, strength, and stress reduction will improve as you create and establish your personal practice.


Surya is a Sanskrit word that means the Sun. For me, it represents the spiritual dimension in the universe that we aspire to reach through our positive actions.Yama is also a Sanskrit word that refers to the guidelines within the Eight Limbs of Yoga. They outline actions that encourage us to live an ethical and moral life on this planet.


 I knew that I wanted a name that included the sun. I have always gravitated towards celestial images, and I have representations of them all over my home. I loved the sound of the word Surya, and since I enjoy connecting words together to make new ones, I knew that Yama would be the perfect addition to finalize my domain name.The combined words reflect the combination of grounding down (the 1st chakra) in order to be a balanced, strong being here on earth with the cultivation of our inner divine light (the 7th chakra) as we reach towards the sun. Many yoga poses both ground down and ascend up!


The meaning of the two words together, along with the sound when it is spoken and the artistic flow of the written word, is how Suryyama came to be!


Indoor in-person classes suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Virtual and customized outdoor
sessions are available.


Please contact me to schedule a consultation and for more info on getting started.

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