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I love that Sadye is excited, focused and having fun.

I entered her class nervous because the other kids had been studying French for a full year and I was unsure if I would catch up. Sharyn made me feel like I had been in the class for the entire time.

Fia & Child, Annabelle


"Since I had the opportunity to sit in and observe the class, I was able to see first hand how Yoga and French vocabulary works together. I loved it! I could see how much the children enjoyed it. I think it is a great way to incorporate the French Language and Yoga. I hope to see more of yoga in the classroom. It could be a great way to start off with in the beginning of class, in order for the children to focus easier. Thank you Sharyn, Fia"

Annabelle: (sixth grade)
"I really like what we've been doing in class. I feel that it helps us students a lot with using body parts, and it is very relaxing. I hope to do more with yoga and the vocabulary this year. I also agree with what my Mom says."

Abra & Child, Sadye



"Sadye had not taken a language before this year. Many of her friends are taking French at their different schools. Many are very stressed out learning French.



I have also enjoyed joining her in the Yoga exercises. Listening to Sadye speaking French is really wonderful."

Sadye: (sixth grade)

"I am loving learning French. I love the way it sounds. I love the adventure of speaking in another language. I look forward to taking these new skills on a trip to Paris one day soon. Sharyn has made learning French a pleasure.



I also have to say I was unsure about learning Yoga as I learned French. This has turned out to be a great surprise. It is relaxing. It is fun. I love yoga in the classroom."

Lesette & Child, Troy


Lesette: (Troy is in eighth grade)
Being a part of Sharyn's French class this year has made a wonderful impact on Troy. The introduction of yoga has brought down the anxiety Troy use to have, which allows him to have fun and better comprehend the teachings and absorb the language. Troy walks around speaking French outside of class. He even tries to teach me at home. I've seen him add some of the yoga positions he has learned in class to his workout at home. It's a nice change! Troy attributes his new found passion for French to Sharyn and her new approach. She has definitely reached him and made the language more than something he has to do for school. Because of his new found interest, Troy is now considering doing a cooking course in France the summer of 2016"

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